Men's medicine for erectile dysfunction treatment Viagra has proved an effective means to combat sexual dysfunction in women, new study shows.
The fact is that sexual dysfunction - common side effect of antidepressants and is the main reason why people refuse to further their reception.
This is a particular problem for women, because they twice as often than men, prescribe antidepressant. However, the most effective medicines to combat sexual dysfunction for men is not approved for use in women, the study authors write in the journal Journal of the American Medical Association.
Scientists tested Viagra effect on 98 women who have already rid themselves of depression, but still experiencing sexual problems such as lack of stimulation or pain during sex.
The test prescribed to take Viagra pill one hour before sex within eight weeks. Half of them gave a placebo, with no pharmaceutical effect.
Approximately 73% of women who took placebo, reported the absence of any positive effect, while of those who took Viagra, only 28% reported no results.
Some women experienced headaches, skin redness and stomach disorder, but none of them wanted to stop because of this participation in the experiment.
"Recovery this unpleasant side effect among patients, successful treatment of depression, but forced to take drugs to avoid relapse, enabling them to continue to take antidepressant, enhance the results of treatment", - wrote study author George Nuremberg from New York University Medical School - Mexico City.