Manufacturers widely known drug "Viagra", is still used to treat male impotence, claimed that he could also be effective in treating sexual function in women.
The company Pfizer inc., Receiving multi million profits from the sale of Viagra, has all chances to increase their incomes. Manufacturer convinced that Viagra may help women who are unable to achieve orgasm sufficient for sexual stimulation. Skeptics also believe that the pharmaceutical tycoon and committed them, scientists have created the myth of female impotence just to extend the scope of medication.
Anyway, Viagra is not so harmless, and it can be applied only on the strict condition. Like many other drugs, Viagra is not devoid of side effects - headaches, chairs disorders, visual impairment. According to the U.S. Federal Agency to monitor food and medicine, receiving Viagra, in some cases can lead to increased blood pressure, heart attacks and sudden death.
It should also be remembered that in many cases women's frigid - perfectly normal phenomenon linked to the recent birth of a child or a lack of interest in the sexual partner.